You must be pretty confused! Don't worry, you're safe. This Carrd is going to help explain things to you and help you calm and get settled into your new life. First off, Do you know what a System is?
You know what a system is
So you're aware of systems as a concept, that's good! I'll skip the language lesson and move right along.You're an alter, within a system.You may be a new alter, or you may have awoken from a dormancy. Things may be different than you remember, or may be entirely new to you.It's currently the year 2023, and you're on the planet earth. There is currently a pandemic going on, called the COVID-19 Virus, or Coronavirus. Most places have stopped mask mandates though its wise to wear one anyways. Currently there is multiple variants of this illness. You may be vaccinated, but that does not mean you should be careless. Those vaccinated can still be carriers.You're currently sharing the body with multiple other people, who may help you in your journey to settle into this new life of yours. This means you may hear voices talking to you, and it's best not to panic and let them explain things.If you have any memories of an old life, it doesn't mean those memories are invalid! as well as any fears that come along with them. Your memories and your feelings are valid, but it's important to stay in the present and ground yourself.Don't worry about figuring everything out too quickly, you don't need to rush to find out your name, or source, or any other information about yourself. You can take as long as you need to take it all in and discover who you are slowly.If you're feeling anxious, or are breathing heavily, take a few big deep breaths. drawing in for 5 seconds, holding for 3, then breathing out for 7. The exact numbers don't matter too much, just make sure you're breathing out slowly and for longer than you breathe in.When you feel calm and ready, feel free to click one of the buttons below to help walk you through registering yourself as a system member.
You don't know what a system is
So you don't know what a system is. That's alright, I'll run you through the basics. First off,A system, is a collection of multiple people sharing one body. Usually due to DID or OSDDAn alter, is one of those people who reside inside of a system.You are an alter, within a systemYou may be hearing voices talking to you and you may be in a body that feels like it's not your own. You may look and sound different than you feel like you 'should'. This is the body you share with the other system members. The voices you're hearing may be the other system members trying to help you figure things out. It's best not to panic, and to take time to let them explain.You may be a new alter, or you may have awoken from a dormancy. Things may be different than you remember, or are completely new.It's currently the year 2023, and you're on the planet earth. There is currently a pandemic going on, called the COVID-19 Virus, or Coronavirus. Most places have stopped mask mandates though its wise to wear one anyways. Currently there is multiple variants of this illness. You may be vaccinated, but that does not mean you should be careless. Those vaccinated can still be carriers.If you have any memories of an old life, it doesn't mean those memories are invalid! as well as any fears that come along with them. Your memories and your feelings are valid, but it's important to stay in the present and ground yourself.Don't worry about figuring everything out too quickly, you don't need to rush to find out your name, or source, or any other information about yourself. You can take as long as you need to take it all in and discover who you are slowly.If you're feeling anxious, or are breathing heavily, take a few big deep breaths. drawing in for 5 seconds, holding for 3, then breathing out for 7. The exact numbers don't matter too much, just make sure you're breathing out slowly and for longer than you breathe in.You may also feel like your head is fuzzy, and it may be hard to think coherently. If this is the case, you may be dissociated.Dissociation is a disconnection between your thoughts, feelings, and identity. It can cause your head to feel fuzzy and full, cause confusion and disorientation, as well as make it extremely hard to concentrate and process words, feelings, and actions.If you feel like you're in an emergency, please feel free to check out our EMERGENCY tabIf you'd like to learn more in depth about systems, and you feel like you're ready to process more complex information, please feel free to go [HERE] to read more about them.When you feel calm and ready, feel free to click one of the buttons below to help walk you through registering yourself as a system member.
How to register with PK
So, you're feeling calm and ready to register yourself. On discord, people often use a bot called Pluralkit (shortened to PK) to register system members, keep track of whos fronting, and so each system member can freely talk as themselves.In every command shown here, please remove the ( ) surrounding text. They are a placeholderTo get started, do pk;m new (name)
Example: pk;m new Kevin
Do not feel the need to include any other information other than just your name, We'll worry about the specifics later.After that, lets try adding a proxy.
A proxy is what you put before your text, to make the bot understand you want to talk.Do pk;m (name) proxy add (proxy:text)
Having the word 'text' is REQUIRED for the bot to register it correctly
Example: pk;m Kevin proxy add kev:text
Your proxy can be a letter, your name, or even an emoji. You can also add your proxy at the end, for example:
pk;m kevin proxy add text-kevin
which would make my messages proxy if I signed off with -kevin at the end of my messages.The next important command, is your icon.
pk;m (name) icon (picture URL, or upload the picture)
Now, technically, this is more than enough to start talking to people. But if you'd like to try some more complex commands, here are some:If you'd like to have your name when you proxy show your pronouns, or other information, you can do
pk;m (name) dn (name you want shown)
Example: pk;m Kevin dn Kevin | Host | xe/he/it
If you'd like to not type your proxy, and would like it to just automatically proxy you, you can do
pk;ap front
, pk;ap latch
, or pk;ap (name)
pk;ap front
will make the bot auto proxy the last registered fronterYou can register whos fronting, with pk;sw (name)
, and even put in multiple names if people are with you.
example: pk;sw kevin
/ pk;sw kevin jordan raz
pk;ap latch
causes the last proxied member to be the one it auto proxies too. For example, if you had 'latch' on, you'd type your first message with your proxy, and every message after that wouldn't need it. This will stop working after a few hours though, which you can correct with pk;ap timeout disable
pk;ap (name)
will just make it auto proxy exclusively to the person who's name is entered.There is also commands that will add information to your 'pk card' which you can see with pk;m (name)
for pronouns, do pk;m (name) pronouns (pronouns)
example: pk;m kevin pronouns xe/xem/xyr, he/him, it/its
For putting your birthday, do pk;m (name) birthday (date)
example: pk;m kevin birthday Dec 19th
You can also put a description about yourself with pk;m (name) description (description)
Some people like to be simple with their descriptions, some people like to be fancy with them. Its entirely up to the individual. If you're unsure what you want to go with, here's a basic template.
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How to register with Tupperbox
So, you're feeling calm and ready to register yourself. On discord, some people use a bot called Tupperbox (shortened to Tupper) to register system members, keep track of whos fronting, and so each system member can freely talk as themselves.In every command shown here, please remove the [ ] surrounding text. They are a placeholderTo get started, do tul!register [insert name]
Example: tul!register Kevin
Do not feel the need to include any other information other than just your name, We'll worry about the specifics later.After that, lets try adding a proxy.
A proxy is what you put before your text, to make the bot understand you want to talk.Do tul!brackets [Insert Name] (proxy:text)
Having the word 'text' is REQUIRED for the bot to register it correctly
Example: tul!brackets Kevin kev:text
Your proxy can be a letter, your name, or even an emoji. You can also add your proxy at the end, for example:
tul!brackets Kevin text-kevin
which would make my messages proxy if I signed off with -kevin at the end of my messages.The next important command, is your icon.
tul!avatar [insert name] (picture URL, or upload the picture)
Now, technically, this is more than enough to start talking to people. But if you'd like to try some more complex commands, here are some:If you'd like to have your name when you proxy show your pronouns, or other information, you can do
tul!nick [insert name] [name you want shown]
Example: tul!nick Kevin Kevin | host | xe/he/it
If you'd like to not type your proxy, and would like it to just automatically proxy you, you can do
tul!auto sticky
, or tul!auto [name]
tul!auto sticky
causes the last proxied member to be the one it auto proxies too. For example, if you had 'sticky' on, you'd type your first message with your proxy, and every message after that wouldn't need it.There is also
tul!auto sticky global
which will cause whoever is being proxied, to also be proxied in every server you're in, so you don't need to re-sticky to a member in every server.tul!auto [name]
will just make it auto proxy exclusively to the person who's name is entered.You can also see all of your member information with tul!find [name]
For putting your birthday, do tul!birthday [name] [date in MM/DD/YYYY]
example: tul!birthday Kevin 12/19/99
You can also put a description about yourself with tul!describe [name] [description]
Some people like to be simple with their descriptions, some people like to be fancy with them. Its entirely up to the individual. If you're unsure what you want to go with, here's a basic template.
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How to register with Simplyplural
So, you're feeling calm and ready to register yourself. Some people use a mobile app, called Simplyplural
to manage their system. The icon looks something like this

Open the app, and click through the pictures shown below to get a rundown on how to add yourself as an alter
If you feel like you're in an emergency
Take deep breaths, stay calm. You'll be okay, and help is available. If you are feeling like you're at risk to hurt yourself or others, please contact your emergency line immediately. Otherwise, you can use some of the resources below.online chats:I'm aliveBeaumont online crisis chatsuicide prevention lifeline chat (USA only)Texting:
Crisis text line: TEXT “GO” TO 741741 (united states)
crisis textline: text MATTERS to 741741 (united states)
Trevor char: Text Trevor to 1-202-304-1200 (LGBT USA)
BC211: Text Your City to 211 (Canada)
YouthSpace: Text 778-783-0177 (Canada)
Hopeline: Text 07786 20 96 97 (UK)
Samaritans: Text 07725 90 90 90 (UK)
Long list of suicide call lines available
Abuse, self harm, and ED helpRelationship advice and helpHow to identify a physically abusive relationshiphow to identify an emotionally abusive relationshiphow to identify a sexually abusive relationshipSigns of abuseSteps to report child abusehow to report a rape or sexual assaultSteps to help self harmAlternatives to self harmhelp for eating disordersThe trevor project website (lgbt suicide prevention)1800runaway teen suicide preventionFree chest binder programsNami (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Places to ventBlah therapyEmotional baggage checkMuttr (Vent anonymously)Vigyaa7cups (Not licensed crisis prevention)Things to de-stress100,000 starsA soft murmur (background sound maker)Bongo cat (interactive)The Quiet Place